Monday, September 29, 2014

Music of Fall

     This past week has brought a blaze of color to the state of Maine. Cool nights followed by warm day's of Indian-summer have created a glow that is unique to this time of year.  As the month of October looms ever nearer the world seems a bustle of activity in preparation for the coming cold. In yards chipmunks hurriedly rush with cheeks tumefied with acorns beech nuts or any other source of nutrient the striped fellow could scrounge up. In yards and driveways woods is being splits and many a barn or shed has begun to collect a stack of the stuff. In classrooms we are diving deeply now into studies, racking our brains with new knowledge and information. New life experiences and developments seem to be a daily or in some cases hourly occurrences, and it is our best hope to keep up. We rush to join clubs, and teams and make commitments that will help to subdue the idleness that is bound to come. Before long we will be with our families to give thanks, and perhaps there may even be snow on the ground. Then the holiday season in all it's feau and flashy pomp and circumstance will barge its way into our already overcrowded lives. Then in a blink it will be winter cold and desolate, long and dark. It is in that time that we often realize we didn't stop to take in Autumn. Because it is a fleeting time we often miss it's inherent value, instead rushing to prepare for idleness to come. 
    There is, I believe, a unique sense of serene urgency that is experience in the Autumn. Usually urgency and serenity are contradicting emotions but in the fall they somehow mold together. While I am constantly reminded of rapid changes that are upon me and hurriedly prepare for those cold hard and idle times, I cannot help but feel an urge to embrace unruffled sense of stoic tranquility welling inside me. Fall is an easy time to get lost in the moment, if you allow yourself to. How do I utilize this season to the utmost of my abilities without allowing life to drop out of balance and enter winter unprepared? It is a question and a balance I have struggled with my whole life.
     Is the world in fall truly a better place?  I often feel that in the busyness of life my view of the world during autumn is akin with make-believe and fairy tales. There is no doubt it is, if only for a time helplessly resplendent like kingdoms far far away. Not just aesthetically, but in someway that is magical and unexplainable. 
     Perhaps it's not magic, perhaps it's just the culmination of a plethora of Natural phenomenon that alludes to the perception of magic. Either way, why miss it. It will be gone fast, so recreate in it, be a little kid. Go outside and just get lost in it, the memories and magic will keep you warmer and more romanced through winters and years to come than any man-made hustle and bustle or activity we could conjure up!

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