Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The World of an Amorous Woodsman

        My name is Landon Knittweis, and I am the Amorous Woodsman. I want to begin by telling you a little about myself. I have a strong streak of romanticism for life and the world around me that is parallel only with my passion for the place I call home (oh and perhaps dogs). I have been blessed to grow up, recreate and become a man in the great state of Maine. I'm passionate about my state and the rich and unique outdoor traditions & heritage that it possesses. My experiences in the Maine outdoors have shaped my life in a very holistic and powerful way. From influencing the types of clothing I buy, and how I spend my free time, to my spiritual and physical health it plays an integral role in my life and is paramount to the balance of my well-being and quality of life. 
        Maine has a seemingly endless number of ways to enjoy the outdoors and learn about yourself through them, it is the most hands-on well rounded classrooms that I've ever been in. Every adventure promises the opportunity to not only learn new skills and hone established ones, but it also allows me to shape my values and ethics through concrete interactions with the world around me. For me a tree is not just a tree, nor a bird just a bird; each holds a specific and necessary place in the balance of the universe. I value each experience and season as they pass, drinking each in as if it were a brew concocted by means of a happy accident. I gorge myself on them as quickly and lustfully as I can without fear of the nearly assured intoxication that they provide. 
Sunset canoeing on North Pond, Rome Maine
Summer 2014
         It is because Maine has played such an important role in my life and shaped my values in such a significant way that I have chosen to live a life that gives back to things that made me who I am. I believe strongly in re-investing in the people places and things that make you who you are. For me the ways that I do that are to continue learning, participating, practicing, and teaching others traditional forms of art, recreation, worship, occupation, and ways of life passed down and developed through generations of Mainers to create the rich tapestry that is our way of life in beautiful northern New England.  
         Challenges and new opportunities for learning and growth in this place are endless, especially at this time of year! We area approaching what I believe to be the most magical and wonderful part of the year in Maine, Autumn. With it's brilliant colors, smells, and changes that capture the mind and entrance the senses the months of September through November are a magical time. For me they mean long rides in the car, time with family (cherishing the season while preparing for winter), canoe trips down slowing rivers, and most importantly hunting season!
Join me this fall and I'll take you on a journey in Maine through the eyes of an Amorous Woodsman!  

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