Saturday, October 11, 2014

This past week I've been dreadfully sick, from head-ache and runny nose, to a lightheaded fever and extreme coughing (resulting in and asthma attack and ER visit). I have what turns out to be some sort of viral infection coupled with pneumonia, ie, I got to spend most of the week in bed. This was tough because this was a beautiful October week that while still a little too warm for my liking killed me to have to watch from inside a house. Sure enough the week went by and bed-bound me became more and more restless depressed and uneasy. I read books about fall and bird hunting to try and fill my eager spirit but my appetite was not completely satisfied. It was a week where I felt relatively unhappy and definitely not myself for most of the time.
    Finally Saturday rolled around, I woke up out of bed and actually felt good and like myself. I decided I was gonna take advantage of this feeling while it lasted, so I quickly started my morning routine, brushed my teeth, showered, shaved (for the first time in a week), dressed and ate breakfast. I then ran into town to do some errands. It was a cool day outside the thermometer read 45, the skies were gray and there was a slight slow drizzle. These are my favorite fall days, the ones when I really feel like it's autumn; the sun isn't nowhere to blind you, it takes but a moment during a walk to cool down, and the whole world smells like fall, damp and earthy and sweet with fermentation and decay.
   It didn't take me long to finish my chores around town and upon my return home. My plan had been to get immediately started in on the mountain of hw that had been piling up during my infirmity. However the day had other ideas. I stood in the driveway for awhile eyes closed simply breathing in fall (scent being a recently regained sense). I decided sickness or not I couldn't let this day pass without enjoying it. I entered my house briskly and whistled for my dog, whom upon hearing me beacon came tearing around the corner and coming to a screeching halt across the hardwood flooring to my feet. She looked up at me eyes full of expectation as if I'd never dissapointed her in my life! "Wanna take a stroll," I mused. She perked up immediately and emitted a small closed lipped bark of joy. I snapped the leather leash to her collar threw on my wool stetson (as the rain had begun picking up) and went outside!
   There is a nature trail some 50 yards from my driveway that was built about 5 years ago. During my childhood I spent many hours adventuring and learning woodcraft in the forest that the trail went through. It's now used everyday by runners, cyclist, family's with strollers and pets. It's not quite as wild now as I remember it being all those years ago but it still possess somewhat of the charm albeit nostalgic charm at this point. My dog and I took our time perusing the gravel trail through the red oak and white pike forest. We took a great deal of time stopping to smell a curious blade of grass or look at a squirrel, but my favorite stop was the woodpecker. Now seeing a woodpecker in the woods isn't a crazy occurrence, I've seen hundreds through the years, but this big pileated fellow let us get very close and say hello. I was nice reminder that a place you used to cherish for it's surprises still had one or two tricks up it's sleeve. I guess it just goes to show when the day is right you can't stay inside, especially when it's gray!

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