Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Over field and Stream

     The fall is blowing by at a speed that is sickening, just yesterday it seemed I'd walk outside only to be greeted by a mirage of brilliant color and temps in the low fifties, now the earth and sky have a grey and sullen complexion. Several snow storms have already struck our state but have spared the coastal region where I live for the most part. A new powerful storm looms near and all my senses tell me the critters of the woodland will be on the move tonight and tomorrow. It is the day before thanksgiving and I can't help but feel that I've been truly blessed. Although I've not harvested my deer or even seen so much as a flick of brown fur since the beginning of November I feel appreciative for the time I've spent in pursuit. It is at this time of year that many of us take time to stop and think about what it is that we're truly thankful for. In truth it's something we should be doing daily, but all too often set aside time only during this month and December to really consciously do so. For me there is nothing that makes me feel more alive and humbled and generally thankful than being in Nature. Each breath of wind cold or soft on your face, each chickadee alighting on branches near your face, the field mouse that scampered across the toe of my Bean boots none-the-wiser to my presence; all of these things are gifts.
    Tomorrow I will make my last attempt at bagging a deer. In truth my efforts this season have been lack luster, I've merely enjoyed being in the woods, taking a deer was somewhat secondary to the time I spent in a tree waiting. The last few months have been a journey and an exploration, admittedly some of  my discoveries about myself have been not so easy to swallow. From high in the air among the tree-tops over the field and stream however I could escape however momentarily. Perhaps escaping was not the right solution to my problems, but it was and has been better than being in denial. Time in the forest is not in truth an escape as much as it is a retreat. A place to gather ones self, to take stock in the finer items of life. I will always have Nature, and it will always have me no matter what life throws my way!

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